ICE Services Complaints Procedure
If Things Go Wrong
We know that from time to time, despite our best efforts, things can go wrong. We aim to rectify errors and resolve any confusion as soon as possible.
If you are:
• a member of a collective management organisation (“CMO”), and/or
• a writer/sub-publisher of a music publisher; and
• your CMO or music publisher is a customer of ICE Services,
and you have a complaint about the services we provide to your CMO or music publisher, please contact your CMO or music publisher for the resolution of your complaint.
We will work with your CMO and/or music publisher to resolve any complaint relating to the services ICE provides to its customers.
If you are not one of the above and have received services from us about which you have a complaint, please follow the guidance as outlined in this complaints procedure.
Contacting Us
We have a website which is designed to provide answers to most of the common questions we receive. If you cannot find your answer here, please submit via our online enquiry form.
ICE Services Ltd
Russell Square House
10-12 Russell Square
Errors will be, wherever possible, corrected straight away. Where this is not possible, we aim to resolve the matter as quickly as possible and normally within ten working days. We will keep you updated on our progress if, for any reason, we are unable to resolve the matter within this period.
If we believe an error hasn’t been made by ICE, we will provide a full and clear explanation.
Making a Complaint
If we have been unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, please see the guidance set out below.
We take all complaints seriously and view them as a way to better understand your needs and improve our level of service where possible.
How to Complain
You should put your complaint in writing (providing any supplementary documentation) and address the complaint to:
VP & General Counsel
ICE Services Ltd
Russell Square House
10-12 Russell Square
Or submit it electronically by email to
We will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within five working days.
What happens next?
We will send a full, written response within 20 working days of the receipt of the complaint and in cases where the complaint is rejected, detailed reasons will be provided. Hopefully this will resolve your complaint. However, if you are unhappy with the response, you should write within 28 days to the VP & General Counsel stating your reasons.
The VP & General Counsel will respond in writing within ten working days from receipt of your follow up response and will either:
• confirm or vary the earlier decision and advise on the right of redress; or
• advise that a further response will be given once additional advice has been obtained and provide an indication of the likely timescale to reach a final decision.
If we have completed our investigation and provided a written response with detailed reasoning, we may confirm there is nothing more we can do under our complaints procedure (we call this a deadlock letter).
Following a response to a complaint, and save for as otherwise stated above, we will consider the matter to be concluded unless we receive further correspondence within ten working days, or as advised in our correspondence.
Further Action
Should you feel that you have pursued your complaint as far as possible through the complaints procedure and remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you can address your complaint to the ICE Services CEO. You may submit the foregoing by email to, with reference to “CEO complaint escalation. Please note that you will be redirected to the guidance in the preceding paragraphs if you fail to follow such steps prior to CEO escalation. Where applicable, you may further resolve your complaint through the options available to you under Regulation 32 of the Collective Management of Copyright (EU Directive) Regulations 2016 and Part 1, Chapter 7 of the Copyright, Designs and Patent Act 1988. In accordance with the foregoing legislation, where applicable, you may seek to resolve your complaint through alternative dispute resolution or submit any such dispute to the relevant court or competent authority.